By Derek Johnson RattleTrap 1776
A handful of things you have to assess here…
1. Watch the sniper on the roof.
2. Watch the weapon (rifle) dip down before the gunfire that’s heard.
3. Rounds fired and heard.
4. Location of target in relation to the bullet distance traveled, angle and trajectory.
Snipers are there for one thing and one thing only.
“News” is now reporting the Secret Service told the “snipers” to hold their fire until the shooter fired first.
That’s the biggest crock of 💩 anyone could ever hear… that alone debunks it all except it’s part of the plan.
If that sniper had identified a shooter as the “media” reported… that weapon wouldn’t be dipping down and sniper moving from his position like it’s shown in the video seconds before the rounds started.
He looks like a deer hunter who doesn’t know the distance, wind direction, and exactly where the “target” is.
Also, listen carefully… and watch President Trump…
He’s reaching for his ear almost before but most definitely simultaneously to the first round fired which is in between the second round fired.
If you didn’t have any evidence that there’s two President Trump’s… then you’d have to rely on those of us who’ve been trained around this solely…
But I’ve shown pictures of two different President Trumps, Golf Trump and Orange/Suit Trump, with evidence of my own “followers” heckling my page in my first meeting that “that’s not the real Trump.”
They don’t put the body double stuntman on the private golf course all day and the real Trump at rallies… if you believe that, quit now. You’ll never understand any of this.
And though I’ve never been shot… I have several friends who have, and there would have been a little bit longer delay of reaction time from when the sensors of the ear relayed to the brain, the burning, simultaneously a delay in reaction of rounds fired.
I shoot a 7 millimeter magnum rifle… it travels at 3,100 feet per second…
That means it can travel just under 3/4 of a mile in one second.
Every time I’ve shot a deer in the heart, the bullet runs through it so fast, they’ll run 20-50 yards before they realize they’re hit, which is why I started shooting in the neck to be more lethal and ethical.
Every Hunter in America can tell you, you’ll hear the thump or whop hitting the target before the crack (gunfire).
The whop and thump is the bullet hitting the target long before you hear the sound of the crack which is the sound of the explosion coming from barrel.
The “shooter” was said to have an AR-15, what a coincidence, the ONLY weapon the Liberals can name, out of MANY, MANY calibers.
First off, the AR in the AR-15 stands for ArmaLite.
Second, it’s a semi-automatic weapon that has a Burst Round option.
It does NOT sound anything like what’s heard in the videos and audios of this “shooting.”
It sounds like an Air Soft style weapon more than anything.
The round does not sound like what an AR-15 5.56 (.223) NATO bullet would sound like AT ALL.
There were 3 thumps simultaneously…
If the first round hit President Trumps ear, and the second round killed a civilian in the audience behind him, where did the 3rd round hit as quick as the other thumps at the same downward trajectory?
The “gunman” was 400-500 feet away from PDJT…
Directly to his right.
Elevated which means the trajectory would be downward to President Trump.
When I was in the Army, the M16 5.56 (.223) NATO round at 200 meters was where the bullet had the most movement in velocity in its trajectory.
200 meters is 656.168 feet.
Although I was a Sharp Shooter, I always skipped the 200 meters and went for the 100 to 300 meters, due to velocity and trajectory to make up for the 200.
The “wound” shows it pierced the top of PDJTs ear.
How is that possible? How did that bullet hit at the angle and trajectory given but not pierce the skull?
In order to graze or pierce the top of the ear, the round would had to have been fired directly in front or behind, not at a perpendicular angle.
First, You can know this is part of plan by Laws and Orders and how this sets up the finale.
Second, you can read articles of the bullet whizzing by President Trump at the angle and trajectory reported by CNN…
So, where did that bullet thump in the same time sequence when the other two bullets hit their targets sooner at the same angle and trajectory?
Also, CNN says the snipers returned fire…
There were 5 rounds in return, not in Burst Rounds, all single 1-1-1-1-1.
The return fire by the “snipers” sounds exactly the same as the first 3 rounds fired at PDJT.
And they sound NOTHING like an AR-15 whatsoever.
Then there’s one lone round 11 seconds after the 5 rounds returned by “snipers” who are all around and had the target identified as the media says “they were told by Secret Service to hold their fire until the shooter engaged”…
PLUS those on the roof behind President Trump were closer to the location of the gunman than PDJT, so, 350-450 feet away.
So, are you telling me that trained snipers needed more than one round for a lone shooter?
Are you telling me that trained snipers with an identified target were told to “stand down” until engagement?
Are you tellling me that that trained snipers with an identified target allowed a lone round 11 seconds after return engagement? And/or needed another round 11 seconds after 5 returned on a lone wolf shooter?
You clearly know NOTHING about snipers if you say ‘yes’ on one, a combo, or all of those.
That alone doesn’t even need to follow up with the location, sound, angle, trajectory, but just because…
A perpendicularly shot given the evidence… wouldn’t be the top of the ear pierced.
This was ALL for those who have no clue what’s going on by Laws and Orders the past 7.5 years of a Military Occupation and COOP.
This sets up the grand finale of ALL the evidence that will be brought against the dudes going to GITMO for the normies.
Normies and “so-called Patriots” who reacted to this: stop listening to people who don’t know the Plan which is a World Special Operation with multi-faceted layers of operations taking place all outlined in Military and Federal Laws and Orders that clearly outline and define a Military Occupation and Continuity of Operations Plan.
Which means stop listening to people who just want some likes, shares, and to “be the face” that you run to when it’s all about them and not an Oath.
The evidence on this is clear and in order to prove it you needed:
- Location
- Angle
- Trajectory
- Velocity
- Weapon Style
- Caliber
The same as “politics” requires:
- Laws
- Orders
- Acts
- Bills
- Codes
Or you just have a lot of 🗣️💨💩
Trust the Plan, we are on the home stretch 💯🐂🇺🇸
Laws and Orders in place by President Donald John Trump and the Plan in place. 🎯🐂🇺🇸
This was a good one 💯 3 hours yes, but answers a lot of questions by:
This is an AR-15. Listen. 🐂🇺🇸
This did though 💯🍿🎥